Friday, February 8, 2008

Down Time

This week has been the most physically and emotinally draining week I have had in a long time. A friend/co-worker lost her husband(though they had been seperated for many years, they never divorced) and three children lost their dad. They range in age from 20-25, but in my mind, they are still too young to be going through this kind of loss. I know people lose parents at various ages, but no matter what the age, it is still difficult. It made me realize yet again just how precious time is and that life is too short for anger and hate. The last few weeks have made a huge impact on me. I realize that I need to live my life one day at a time and the best way I know how. On a lighter note, (sort of), my friend Laura and I are taking a *girls* road trip a la Thelma and Louise. We are leaving Sunday and returning Wednesday and I can't tell you who is more excited, me or her. Anyway, thatis what is happening with me. I am now off for a 4 day weekend(woohoo!) and it is Winter Carnival weekend here in South Porcupine. All kinds of activitites for kids and adults alike, and it all ends Sunday night with fireworks. Good times people, good times. Oh, and NGB......HAPPY FREAKIN 50TH FRIEND! May the next 50 be as good to you as the last...xoxo

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