Sunday, November 18, 2007

Out of Commission

This has not been the greatest week in my life. On Monday afternoon, I took fall at work and didn't think it was too bad. On Tuesday, I turned 34. By Wednesday morning, I was too sore and came home where I also spent Thursday. Friday morning, I woke up feeling *shitty* and went to work. By 10 a.m. I was hugging the porcelain. I came home about 11, went to bed, got up to get Evan from school at 3, then came home and hit the couch. Grandma and grandpa came to get Evan about 5, and it was all I could do to get from the couch to my bed, which is down a flight of stairs. This moning, I am happy to report that I am alive and almost well. And how was your week???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now now, there there. Better days ahead.

Thirty-four? I have clothes older than that.

Belated happy birthday, T.