Tuesday, April 29, 2008

This Just In...

Guess who got FRONT ROW seats?? That's right, ME!!!! On July 17th, Laura and I are headed to the casino in Windsor to see the one and only Reba front row! Can I tell you how excited I am?? In other news, my dad is home, and as of yet, not back to work. He spent a week in the hospital, and although he is stubborn as the day is long, he is on antibiotics for the pneumonia and sounds tired. For him to miss work, he must not be feeling well. I have been working lots of hours, but still love my job. The change in me just from being out of the store working with the ex is incredible. Don't get me wrong, things with us are fine, we can talk without wanting to beat each other senseless, but being in the Square has definitely made things better. Oh, and I smile a lot more now....might have something to do with a certain boy....


JB said...

Glad your Dad's doin' better. Hope he keeps improving!

...and thanks for posting on my blog! ;-)

I'm not a huge Reba fan, but I really like 'Why Haven't I Heard From You'. It's a great little bluesy number. Enjoy the show (although you have a heck of a long time to wait!)

Bob said...

Certain boy as in Evan, or certain boy as in beau/potential love interest?
Inquiring minds wanna know.

T said...

Bobby, you are tres perceptive. It is the latter, and if you wanna know about it....I'll spill when I'm ready.

Bob said...

Grrr. Okay. Your game, your rules.

Meanwhile, I hope you have a Fancy time at the Reba concert, and that Whoever's In New England meets you there.

But about that certain sometime: Do You Love Him? Because, you know, Rumor Has It that If You See Him on The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia, The Heart Won't Lie.

T said...

NGB, I'm a Survivor. I think it'll be good For My Broken Heart. I just want to know, Is There Life Out There? Cause I need to fill that void Till You Love Me...